Wednesday, November 27, 2019


THE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF ART Essay Everybody has heard of the famous painter Albrecht Durer, but every one is not aware that he possessed a better half so Xantipical in temper as to be the torment not only of his own life, but of that of his pupils and domestics also. Some of the former were cunning enough to purchase peace for themselves by conciliating the common tyrant?but woe to those unwilling or unable to offer aught in propitiation. Even the wiser ones were spared only by having their offences visited upon a scape-goat. This unfortunate individual was Samuel Duhobret, a disciple whom Durer had admitted into his school out of charity. He was employed in painting sign and the coarse tapestry then used in Germany. He was about forty years of age, little, ugly, and humpbacked ; was the butt of every ill joke among his fellow-disciples, and was picked out as a special object of dislike by Madame Durer. We will write a custom essay on THE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF ART specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Poor Samuel had not a spice of envy or malice in his heart. He would at any time have toiled half the night to assist or serve those who were wont, oftenest, to laugh at him, or abuse him loudest for his stupidity. True?he had not the qualities of social humour or wit ; but he was an example of indefati gable industry. He came to his studies every morning at daybreak ; and remained at work until sunset. Then he retired into his lonely chamber, and wrought for his own amusement. One morning Duhobret was missing at the scene of his daily labours. His absence created much remark, and many were the jokes passed upon the occasion. One surmised this, and another that, as the cause of the phenomenon ; and it was finally agreed that the poor fellow must have worked himself into an absolute skeleton, and taken his final stand in the glass frame of some apothecary ; or had been blown away by a puff of wind, while his door happened to stand open. No one thought of going to his lodgings to look after him. Meanwhile the object of their mirth was tossing on a bed of sickness. Disease, which had been slowly sapping the foun dations of his strength, burned in every vein; poor Duhobret had his dreams, as all artists, rich or poor, will sometimes have. He had thought the fruit of many yearslabour, dis posedpf to advantage, might procure him enough to live, in an economical way, for the rest of his life. Now, alas ! even that hope had deserted him. He believed himself dying, and thought it hard to die without one to look kindly upon him ; without the words of comfort that might soothe his passage to another world.:; He fancied his bed surrounded by devilish faces, grinning at his sufferings, and taunting him with his inability to summon a priest to exorcise them. At length the appari tions faded away, and the patient sank into an exhausted plumber. He awoke unrefreshed ; it was the fifth day he had lain there neglected. His mouth was parched ; he turned over, and feebly stretched out his han d towards the earthen pitcher, from which, since the first day of his illness, he had quenched his thirst. Alas ! it was empty ! Samuel lay a few moments thinking what he should do. He knew he must die of want if he remained there alone ; but to whom could he apply for aid in procuring sustenance ? An idea seemed at last to strike him. He arose slowly, and with difficulty, from the 3 bed, went to the other side of the room, and took up the picture he had painted last. He resolved to carry it to the shop of a salesman, and hoped to obtain for it sufficient to furnish him with the necessaries of life for a week longer.   On his way he passed a house about which there was a crowd. He drew nigh?asked what was going on ; and received for 1 an answer, that there was tcf*be a sale of many specimens of .art collected by an amateur in the course of thirty years. 1 Something whispered the weary Duhobret that here would t be the market for his picture. He worked his way through ] the crowd, and, after many inquiries, found the auctioneer. That personage was a bus), important, little man, with a handful of papers ; and he was inclined to notice somewhat roughly the interruption of the lean, sallow hunchback, im- i ploring as were his gestures and language.   What do you call your picture ? at length said he. It is a vieav of the Abbey of NeAvbourg?Avith its village? and the surrounding landscape, replied the trembling artist The auctioneer again scanned it contemptuously, and asked what it Avas Avorth. .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 , .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .postImageUrl , .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 , .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093:hover , .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093:visited , .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093:active { border:0!important; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093:active , .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093 .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf051010113bbc2d171c3f7a09f61a093:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Support of Art by the Government Essay Oh, that is what you please?Avhatever it will bring. Hem ! it is too odd to please, I should think?I can pro mise you no more than three thalers. Poor Samuel sighed deeply. He had spent on that piece the nights of many months. But he Avas starving now ; and the pitiful sum offered Avould give him bread for a feAv days. He nodded his head to the auctioneer, and, retiring, took his seat in a corner. The sale began. After some paintings and engravings had been disposed of, Samuels Avas exhibited. Who bids at three thalers?. Who bids? Avas the cry. Duhobret listened eagerly, but none answered. Will it find a purchaser r said he, des pondingly, to himself. Still there was a dead silence. He dared not look up, for it seemed to him that all the people Avere laughing at the folly of the artist Avho could be insane enough to offer so worthless a piece at a public sale. What will become of me? Avas his mental inquiry. That Avork is certainly my best ; and he A-enturcd to steal another glance. Does it not seem that the wind actually stirs those boughs and moves those leaves? Hoav transparent is the water ! what life breathes in the animals that quench their thirst at that spring ! Hoav that steeple shines ! How beautiful are those clustering trees ! This Avas the last expiring throb of an artists vanity. The ominous silence continued, and Samuel, sick at heart, buried his face in his hands. Twenty-one thalers ! murmured a faint voice, just as the auctioneer Avas about to knock down the picture. The stupi fied painter gave a start of joy. He raised his head and looked to see from Avhose lips those blessed words had come. It Avas the picture-dealer to Avhom he had first thought of applying. Fifty thalers, cried a sonorous voice. This time a tal man in black was the speaker. There Avas a silence of hushed expectation. One hundred thalers, cried the picture-dealer. Three hundred. Five hundred. One thousand. Another profound silence ; And the croavd pressed around the tavo opponents, who stood opposite each other with eager md angry looks. Two thousand thalers! cried the picture-dealer, and ?lanced around him triumphantly, when he saw his adversary hesitate. Ten thousand ! vociferated the tall man, his face crimson with rage, and his hands clenched convulsively. The dealer grew paler ; his frame shook with agitation tie made two or three efforts, and at last cried out? Twenty thousand ! His tall opponent was not to be vanquished. He bid forty thousand. The dealer stopped ; the other laughed a Ioav augh of insolent triumph, and a murmur of admiration Avas leard in the crowd. It AA-as too much for the dealer ; he felt lis peace at stake. Fifty thousand! exclaimed he, in lesperation. It Avas the tall mans turn to hesitate. Again the whole :rowd Avere breathless. At length, tossing his arms in defi mce, he shouted, One hundred thousand ! The crest-fallen picture-dealer AvithdreAV ; the tall man vic ariously bore aw ay the prize. The possessor was proceeding homeward when a decrepit, ame, and humpbackeel invalid, tottering along by the aid of a itick, presented himself before him. He threw him a piece of noney, and AvaAred his hanel as dispensing with his thanks/ May it please your honour, said the supposed beggar, I am the painter of that picture ! anel he rubbed his eyes. The tall man Avas Count Dunkelsback, one of the riches ?oblemen in Germany. He stopped, took out his pocket look, tore out a leaf, and Avrote on it a few lines. Take it, riend, said he ; it is a check for your money. Adieu. .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 , .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .postImageUrl , .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 , .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1:hover , .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1:visited , .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1:active { border:0!important; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1:active , .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1 .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufd3dc7d16a4f740535a6ea1e550529d1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Is there Truth in Art? Essay

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Compare and contrast The Red Room by H G Wells, with opening chapters of Jane Eyre Essay Example

Compare and contrast The Red Room by H G Wells, with opening chapters of Jane Eyre Essay Example Compare and contrast The Red Room by H G Wells, with opening chapters of Jane Eyre Essay Compare and contrast The Red Room by H G Wells, with opening chapters of Jane Eyre Essay Essay Topic: Literature Both The Red Room by H G Wells and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, were written in the nineteenth century. The main focus in the short story by H G Wells is the red room, while the red room in Jane Eyre is part of a novel. Charlotte Brontes story is about an orphaned ten-year-old child called Jane Eyre, who is living with her Aunt Reed at Gateshead Hall. She is excluded from the family in the household and it becomes obvious to the reader that they dont approve of her or like her at all. Jane herself is aware of this, as she says I was a discord in Gateshead Hall. She has a very bad relationship with the family; especially Master John, who bullies her in the opening chapter of the book. Jane is an outcast to every privilege in the house, and her Aunt is very cold and aloof towards her. When Master John provokes her and throws a book at her in the first chapter, she retaliates and is forced into the Red Room, by her Aunt, who immediately defends her son. The Red Room by H G Wells, is a short story about a nameless visitor to Lorraine Castle. The person, who is assumed to be a man, is volunteering to enter The Red Room for the night, in order to prove or disprove the existence of a ghost or supernatural force in the room. This is different to Jane, who is forced to enter the room. He talks to three elderly people before entering the room, and they explain to him the mystery of the room, helping to create tension between them. They obviously fear the room, and they explain to the man many times that he is entering the room at his own choosing. Both stories are written in the first person narrative, which allows the characters to describe their feelings in detail; especially when inside the Red Room. Jane Eyre is also an eponymous story. The reader is given a brief description of Janes life, and we find that she is a ten-year-old orphaned child living with her Aunt. The opening chapter describes the way Jane is lost in her own little world, looking at pictures and reading books, which portrays her as an imaginative child, full of happiness. Janes intelligence is also underlined here and her capacity for reasoning analysis in her account of Cousin John is noticed. But another side of her personality is shown as well, when she looses her temper with Master John, and calls him a Wicked and cruel boy! She has obviously had enough of being bullied by the family, and her feelings towards them are underlined here. She says that other feelings were succeeding her, which again shows us that she felt hatred towards the family and the surroundings. The man in the Red Room on the other hand is a mystery to the reader, as no information at all is given about him. This is different to Jane Eyre, where we get to know the character well. He is portrayed as a very calm but somewhat impertinent character, as he tells the elderly people at the start that it would take a very tangible ghost to frighten him. This is a very pompous tone, which immediately gives the reader the impression that he is very confident in his actions. He is reminded several times by the man with the withered arm that it is his own choosing, to enter the room, but he is still very confident, which contrasts against Janes reaction to entering the room. There is no mystery surrounding the characters in the opening chapters of Jane Eyre, as they are all relatives or familiar to Jane. I feel that this helps to familiarise the characters to the reader and underlines Janes troubled background. Master John is portrayed as a frightful young boy, and Jane says that there were moments when I was bewildered by the terror he inspired. Bessie and Miss Abbot are also described as being very stern with Jane, which again underlines the unfairness shown towards Jane. The other characters in The Red Room are portrayed as being very old, as they are described according to their appearance, for instance, the man with a withered arm and the man with a shade. They are also portrayed as being both wise and perceptive, as shown in the phrase Many things to see, when ones still but eight-and-twenty. A sense of unfamiliarity is conveyed by the mystery of the characters in the Red Room, which is a contrast to the sense of accustomed behaviour between the family in Jane Eyre. The opening atmosphere in Jane Eyre is described as being very dark, as it is raining with clouds so sombre. This immediately, portrays the large house as being gloomy and the weather is used by Charlotte Bronte, to reflect Janes feelings at the time. Lorraine Castle in the Red Room is also a very big and old place, showing similarities to Gateshead Hall. The man with the withered arm describes the spiral staircase and the long passage in the castle, which gives the reader an image of an old, neglected building. This is different to Gateshead Hall in Jane Eyre, which is described as being quite warm and comfortable. When Jane is taken to the Red Room it says that she resisted all the way, which shows the reader that she hated the room and was terrified of it. She is being taken to the room against her own will and she says that a moments mutiny is the reason for this, which implies that she feels the family is against her. She also refers to herself as a rebel slave, which again shows that she is a captive, not a volunteer to the Red Room. During the build up to the room, the author tries to make the reader feel pity for Jane. Bronte creates pathos towards Jane in a number of different ways. Her use of adjectives such as wicked and rebel slave help to create this sense of pathos. The servants attitude towards her is also used to reinforce this as they call her a wicked child. This is very extreme and emotive language, considering that Jane is only a ten-year-old child. Details of Janes background are also used to create pathos, as we are told how her Uncle had died in the room. The build up to the room in H G Wells short story is also used to create tension. Descriptions like chilly, dusty and shadows convey the darkness in the castle, while the mans loss of confidence as he stopped for a moment, helps to give the castle a mysterious aura. Jane is beside herself going into the room but the man in The Red Room is sceptical, but is willing to enter the room. The author also makes no attempt in making the reader feel sorry for the man in The Red Room, while every effort is made for the reader is made to feel sorry for Jane. There is a very detailed description of the Red Room in Jane Eyre. A sense of imprisonment is created when they lock the door, which immediately has an effect on Jane. An image of a prison cell is again created when the room is called a spare chamber. The feeling of neglect is also conveyed as she describes the room as very seldom slept in. Red is emphasised by the author in the description, also the repetitive use of red in the deep red curtains, red carpet and the crimson cloth also links to the red described in the room. I think that the colour Red is emphasised by the author, for many different reasons. Red is a very deep and rich colour, which immediately conveys the dark, mysterious surroundings within the room. Red is also associated with blood, which holds a strong religious connection, and could also be linked to the death of her Uncle. Large and dark furniture are brought to our attention by the author; with massive pillars of mahogany and chairs of darkly polished The word white is juxtaposed against the darkness in the room, while there is a certain element of irony in the fireplace, as it again contrasts with the gloomy and cold atmosphere in the room. Death is also represented in the room with the reference to the undertakers men being a link to the death of her Uncle. There is a religious connection as she says that there is a sense of dreary consecration. When land is consecrated, it is made holy; therefore the death of her Uncle is emphasised by this connection. The Red Room in Wells story is also conveyed as being very dark and gloomy. It is described as being a large and sombre room, with shadowy window bays. These descriptions are similar to the Red Room in Jane Eyre, as it, was also very large and gloomy. H G Wells use of metaphors help to convey the darkness in the room, for example, My candle was a little tongue of light in its vastness which tries to convey the room swallowing the light, and an ocean of mystery which describes the vastness of the mystery surrounding the room. Both Jane and the man, start to lose confidence as they spend more time imprisoned in the room. Even Janes own reflection is starting to scare her. It reminds her of Bessies old stories and she feels that Superstition was with her. There are two big mirrors in The Red Room also, which underlines similarities in both rooms. As Jane is left alone, she thinks about how she was treated, and she is distressed to realise that she is a total outcast. As time goes on in the room, she recalls that she is in the same room that her Uncle Reed had died and gets very distraught. This causes her to fear his ghost and this again conveys her powerful sense of imagination. The man also becomes very distraught as time goes by. In a similar way to Jane Eyre, a young Duke had also died in the Red Room in Lorraine Castle, but the man tries not to think about this, unlike Jane. Instead the man occupies himself by talking and lighting candles. When the flames start to disappear, the mans imagination gets the better of him, and like Jane he starts to panic. The concentration of verbs are very intense while the man panics as the author uses verbs like stumbled, fell, snatched, swung and thrust, to emphasise the excitement in the room. Jane has a species of fit towards the end, which is very similar to the man who gets knocked unconscious after falling and striking his head. The rooms drive both to panic as their imaginations get the better of them. The man explains to the old people at the end that it is fear that haunts the room. This means that the room causes the imagination to get the better of you; this is also true in the red room in Jane Eyre. I consider fear, to be an important theme in both stories. Both Jane Eyre and the man are driven to insanity by the constant sense of fear in the rooms. Both authors emphasise the fact that apprehension and dismay alone, causes fear in the rooms. H G Wells chose the title The Red Room for his short story because the room is the main focus of the story. The story is based on the red room and its mystery, which is finally explained by a mysterious young man who witnessed the fear inside the room. The Red Room is also chosen as a title, because of the symbolic meanings of the colour. Red is symbolic of blood, which contains a religious connection. This can be associated with death or supernatural forces which immediately reflects the feeling of fear inside the room.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The world is Flat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The world is Flat - Essay Example This is actually true as no two countries would fight against each other if they have similar interests and it is only a clash of interests that would bring about conflict between these countries. Countries like the United States of America and Great Britain have never really had any conflicts amongst themselves in recent years and the reason for this cannot be far-fetched. Over the years, the US has been an ally of Great Britain and it is not unusual that these two great countries have not had any reason to fight against each other. The reason is due to the fact that they are of the same global supply chain, thus corroborating Friedman’s argument that countries in the same global supply chain can never fight a war against each other. You can never hear two developed countries that share the same ideology fighting against each other. In order to disproof Duiker’s belief that the trend toward globalization could lead to fragmentation, one should consider two countries th at are thriving to be economically successful. The interests of these countries are aligned by the goals they share and this means that they are preoccupied with the success of their economy and would quell any crisis that could lead to conflict between them.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical reading reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical reading reflection - Essay Example benefits such as leave for maternal and paternal applications; child-related issues (tax exemption, according family allowances, provision of social welfare assistance); and child support when in custody of the state or through foster parents. From among the assessment measures that Krull discussed, the impact on policies to child and adult poverty was comprehensively presented, to include historical and comparative performance from the time policymakers passed a resolution that earmarked the need to eradicate child poverty by the year 2000 (Krull). An evaluation was likewise reviewed on the implications of policies implemented on child care where it was recommended that a closer look at Quebec’s family policy model which actively implements a universal child care program and addresses poverty of the family through taking into consideration facets of addressing unemployment. As such, it was proposed that Quebec’s family policy model should be emulated for more effective results. One strongly believes that the main points that were presented and discussed by the author have been duly supported and validated. The issues on family and child-related policies were effectively discussed using the most appropriate choice of benefits that were accessed. A discussion of the assessment measures was also validated as a means to measure the performance of these policies and the outcomes that ensued from the times relevant resolutions were enacted. The discussion on the effect of the resolution aiming to eradicate child poverty, for instance, was presented in a comprehensive and cohesive manner which were supported using statistics and the support from credible secondary sources. The overall discussion of main issues used reliable and credible support through narrative discourse, historical references, statistics, and provision of examples. The structure of overall presentation was clear and straightforward through the use of logical approach. A theoretical framework

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research project - Essay Example These three areas if viewed from the map represent an equilateral triangle with close proximity to each other as well as their convergence near the central region instil an interesting dimension to the research which would be further reflecting the effectiveness of the governmental policies in these adjoining areas (Beer, 2003). The research will direct its focus on the intermediate people of the region and will be exploring the living standards of these people. Education as an important parameter in influencing occupation For the purpose of comparison among the occupational pattern of the three areas, education can be regarded as an important parameter. Occupation generally reflects quality of life, social status, scope of future development and impact on the family life (Salary and wages in Australia, 2011, p. 1). Occupation reflects the income aspects in the life of the people and education acts as a very important variable linking occupation as well as income (Pearson, 2011). Now the focus will be on the employment structure of each of the post codes in study with respect to Australia as a whole. Let us first consider the case of Sury Hills. Employment patterns in Sury Hills The calculations derived from prior the week of census 2006, a total of 3,514 people aged 15 years and over constituted the total labour force in comparison with 9,607,987 in Australia as a whole. 66.9% were employed on a full time basis in comparison with 60.7% in Australia as a whole. 22.5% were employed on a part time basis in comparison with 27.9% in Australia as a whole. 3.4% were employed but were away from work with comparison of 3.5% in Australia as a whole. 2.3% of the people showed employment but without stated hours of work in comparison with 2.6% in Australia as a whole. In the unemployed category 4.8% were found to be unemployed in comparison with 5.2% in Australia as a whole (2006 Census QuickStats, Sury Hills 2012). Fig.1. (2006 Census QuickStats, Sury Hills 2012) Employm ent in different sections/departments The professional accounted for around 35.6% of the employed persons over the age 15 years in comparison with 19.8 in Australia as a whole. The percentage of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marketing Strategies for Attraction

Marketing Strategies for Attraction Theme parks Theme park is a term, which is used for describing a combination of rides and many other attractions for entertainment. These are assembled for providing entertainment for a large group of people. They are bigger than some other city playgrounds or parks. They are organized for not only attracting children but also to attract adults, teenagers and even old people. These are generally built on the basis of one or more themes. The most common example of theme parks is the Atlantis and the American West. Quite often, the theme parks contain many sections. Each of these sections tells some different story. All the rides in a theme park generally go along the main theme of the park. The common example of it is the Walt Disney Worlds Magic Kingdom (Adams, 1991). Casinos Casinos are special buildings or vicinities meant for all sorts of entertainment like meetings, public amusements, dancing, etc. These also offer hotels, food beverages for its national and international customers. These casinos also offer the gambling tables or devices. These are recognized as business establishments whose prime business is gambling. After the governments of various countries lifted the ban from gambling, the establishments like casinos came into existence. The largest casinos of the world are situated in the city of Las Vegas. The primary aim of the public visiting these places is gaming and enjoying. In recent years, the structure and organization of the casinos have witnessed broad changes. The establishments have broadened their market segmentation. They are now designed to cater the entertainment needs of the whole family. Differences in the Marketing Attraction Strategies of the Theme parks and the Casinos The theme parks and the casinos are both meant for the enjoyment and entertainment of the public at large. The difference, which makes it compulsory for marketers to advertise it differently, is the segment and the type of customers it is intended to attract. The theme parks aim at attracting both the dependent and the independent people, who want to enjoy their lives while the casinos aim at attracting those persons who are independent and can take the decision on their own and are interested in gaming apart from enjoying the entertainment. The theme park usually markets and focuses its products towards the whole family. It particularly focuses on the adults, teenagers and children below the age of 21. In order to attract this segment of customers, the marketers place their advertisements in the places and articles widely used by the children, adults and the teenagers i.e. in the children magazines, on the rappers of the toys, on cartoon and music channels, etc. On the other hand, the casinos, for attracting its prospective customers, place the advertisements on the business journals, tourism websites, hotels, etc. For example, we can see the advertisements of the Disney theme park on the Cartoon Network but it is not possible for us to see the promotion campaigns of the casinos on these kinds of channels. On the other hand, we can notice the promotion campaigns of famous casinos on various gaming websites and business journals but these places do not register the promotion campaigns of the theme parks like that of Disn ey. The theme park is often positioned as a tourist destination for the whole family by both the management of the theme park and the governments of the countries. These are also the preferred destinations for the international and the national tourists. On the other hand, the casinos may or may not be regarded as a tourist destination by the government of any country. They may be developed and advertised by the businessmen at the places where tourists visit frequently. In this case, a casino will attract only that segment of customers, which is interested in gaming; no matter what other kind of family entertainment has been provided by the casino. For example, the Walt Disney Worlds Magic Kingdom has been projected as a tourist destination by the government of the USA. It is positioned as an entertainment destination not only for the children but also for the other sections of the society, while the city of Las Vegas has been positioned as an entertainment destination for the adults and the visitors above the age of 21. As a part of the promotional campaign to attract the maximum number of visitors, the theme parks resort to sponsoring of the events and the products, which are related to its target market. For example, the Disney sponsors the products of Nestle and tries to enhance the know-how of the customers regarding its existence, while the casinos try to expand their business by sponsoring the events like car races and various other games. For example, the UK based online poker and casino group, 32 Red Plc had entered into an agreement to sponsor the soccer team Aston Villa. This is the UKs one of the leading soccer team. This deal had helped the company to further build its brand through publicity on television as well as through the national press of Britain all around the world. The casinos, in order to attract and expand the existing as well as new customers, offer the promotions and reward cards. This not only helps them to attract and maintain the customers but also give word of mouth publicity to the establishment. While, the Theme Parks not only offer promotions and reward cards but also the ticket, package and resort discount coupons to the customers. For example, the Disney offers such rewards, tickets, resorts and package coupons to its customers. In order to attract more visitors and reach their target markets, the theme parks, advertise and promote their vicinities and products by placing their advertisements on a large number of media like television, video, the Internet, radio, print, brochures and collateral, billboards and cinema. Not even the smallest means of media has been left by the theme parks for attracting people from all walks of life. On the other hand, the casinos target only certain section of the society, i.e. the people who have the capacity to pay and game huge sum of money in various entertainment and gaming sections of their casinos. Therefore, they do not use all the means of Media for promotion. In very rare cases only, one can see the promotion of casinos on the billboards and brochures. For example, the WetnWild Water World places its advertisement on all means of the media including television, video, the Internet, radio, print, brochures and collateral, billboards and cinema, in order to attract mo re visitors (Marketing Strategy of WetnWild Water World, 2008), while most of the casinos in the US, apart from placing their advertisements in business magazines, take the help of the Casino Media Group for their global advertising needs. The marketing strategies of the theme parks are liable to changes all round the year. These strategies keep on changing with the occurrence of different events, vacations and festivals in different parts of the year; it is also possible that many theme parks change their strategies for different weeks of the month. For example, the marketing strategy of WetnWild has been different all through the years (Marketing Strategy of WetnWild Water World, 2008). On the other hand, it is not possible for the casino owners to change their marketing strategies as frequently as the theme park owners do. They do change their advertisement and other promotional campaigns during the year but a change in their strategy is restricted to only some of the festive events. It is also a common practice of the theme parks to appoint some brand ambassadors to their brand and promote them with their help, thus attracting a larger proportion of visitors from all round the world. For example, the Mickey Mouse is regarded as the brand ambassador of the Disney. On the other hand, generally, in the case of casino industry this practice of appointing a brand ambassador and then promoting their brand through them is not a common practice. They advertise with the help of their offerings and special features of their casinos (Effective Casino Marketing Makes All the Difference). Thus, from the above discussed points, it is clear that though both the theme parks and the casinos cater the entertainment needs, yet their market segmentation is different. Essay 2 Zoos and aquariums have been used as contact points for humans and the creatures existing in the nature. In general, zoos and aquariums are facilities where animals are restricted within a certain geographical area. These facilities are open to the public for viewing the creatures, both terrestrial as well as aquatic in an artificial habitat. At the same time, they also provide ideal conditions for the breeding and mating of animals. The experts working in these facilities have a variety of goals that includes bio-diversity conservation as well as public education. Among the premier objectives of these facilities, research, education, conservation and rehabilitation efforts are prominent. However, issues have been constantly raised against these facilities due to differences observed in their assertions and their actual implementation. On the other hand, it is observed that while some of these facilities are serious in the direction of protecting these creatures while others breed them specifically for the motive of displaying them to the visitors. Both these facilities have to deal with a huge variety of issues during their operations. In fact, these issues are common with all similar kind of facilities in various parts of the world. Among the major operating issues which zoos aquariums need to pay significant attention are: Public Safety Animal Safety Breeding and Conservation Activities Public Safety The issue of public safety is constantly gaining high priority for facilities like zoos and aquariums. In fact, it is a very crucial issue which needs to be addressed by the management and authorities of such facilities, in an effective manner. Generally, people, especially smaller ones tend to disassociate with each other while visiting these facilities. In order to address this problem, these facilities need to recruit a properly trained group of employees capable of taking care of young individuals. These facilities should be well acquainted with first-aid stations and walk-in clinics, in case any of the visitors gets injured or experiences a minor health problem. The management should ensure that adequate safety-arrangements are made for the visitors not only from the animals but from other dangers as well such as those related to fire and electricity in aquariums, particularly (Olney, Mace, Feistner, 1993). In addition, any kind of buildings, structures and other areas constructed within the premises of zoos and aquariums should be strictly maintained in safe condition. Moreover, the public visiting these facilities should not be allowed to enter any areas which could cause an unexpected risk to their safety. At the same time, the authorities managing these facilities should ensure that the pavements and walking lanes for the public visiting these facilities should be well maintained and properly taken care off, in order to avoid any kind of injuries. On the other hand, clearly visible warning-signals must be installed at appropriate places in aquariums zoos to minimize potential dangers. In the case of traditional theme parks, these problems were handled in a slightly different manner. For instance, tags are provided to the children, in case they disassociate with their parents. They also maintain proper arrangements of water in order to avoid any kind of accidents. The authorities also provide written instructions to the visitors prior to entering the park. The management should also hire professionals and some emergency services through which the management would be able to handle the critical situation and accidental cases in the zoos and aquariums. Animal Safety In Zoos, there are certain animal concerned service personnel, who are known as keepers. They make the diets of the animals and wipe off the areas in which animals are placed and at times nurture the young ones. They look for any kind of disease or damage caused to the animals. In addition to this, they also observe feeding pattern or any kind of alteration in the activities of the animals. Keepers also confirm that the people who come to visit the zoos should act responsibly to the animals. Keepers have to look after a large group of animals including Birds, Reptiles or mammals (Animal Care and Service Workers, 2008). In the aquarium, certain rules and regulations are exposed to the people visiting there to ensure animal safety including: Prohibition of tumbling of objects including coins, memento, garbage, etc. into the pools. Cleaning of hands is restricted prior or after feeding the animals Human refreshments are not allowed to be given to the animals. Feeding the animals with fish that have been dropped on the ground. Picking out of the brood from water for a better look of the animals. Restricting the people from touching the eyes and blowholes of the animals. A traditional animal theme park originated from the pleasure gardens that focused on entertainment of the public. Little importance was given to the safety of animals. They have now converted into amusement parks. Many groups like People for the ethical treatment of the animals (PETA) and Human Society of United States (HSUS) are devoted to the animal safety and they are quite significant for the animal safety in the theme parks. Breeding and Conservation Activities The zoos and aquariums bear a compulsion of making a straight contribution to conservation of the animals and aspire to become more effective in the process of conservation internationally. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) have prepared World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy (WZACS). It is an appropriate manuscript that brings ex situ organizations in the stream of conservation of biodiversity and continued development. Their strategy offers a widespread idea for the zoos and aquariums all over the world and describes the standards and policies to attain the conservation goals (Building a Future for Wildlife, 2008). A direct action for enhanced habitats and increase in the number of target species, or indirect action like education, taking up of financial help and research to direct policy and practice can serve the purpose of conservation of the animals. Conservation of animal populations in zoos is carried out with the help of breeding and reintroduction. Zoos Aquarium help in setting up suitable social entities for good breeding and rearing, looking for the behavioral requirements and preparing the diet. Incorporating these features of husbandry, putting in practice the training programs along with making them acquaint to the environment and conducting research would enhance breeding and reintroduction process. This would aid to the identification of the suitable animals that need reintroduction in the wildlife (Building a Future for Wildlife, 2008).Traditional theme parks lack the proper researches on the breeding and reintroduction aspects of the conservation, which are important for the conservation of the animals. References Adams, J. A. (1991). The American Amusement Park Industry: A History of Technology and Thrills. Boston: Twayne Publishers. Animal Care and Service Workers, 2008. Retrieved May 10, 2008, from Building a Future for Wildlife, 2008. Retrieved May 10, 2008, from Effective Casino Marketing Makes All The Difference. Retrieved May 10, 2008, from Entertainment Animals Animal Theme Parks, 2008. Retrieved May 10, 2008, from Marketing Strategy of WetnWild Water World (2008). Retrieved May 10, 2008, from Olney, P.J., Mace, G. Feistner, A. (1993). Creative Conservation: Interactive management of wild and captive animals (Hardcover) (1st Edition). Springer Publishers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Discussing the customer service policies Essay

In my assignment I will provide information about customers services levels, customer satisfaction, what is customer services , I will give examples and evidence about different institutions and their customers services levels and policies .I want to start with the definitions of customer services and customers service policies. Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation.†Some people say that ‘Customer is always right’ but nowadays if u work in the hospitality industry u will definitely disagree with that .Some customers are really informed about their rights so because of that the stuff should be really confident and well trained to reach the customer expectation. Every business should have customer service policies. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, the definition of a customer service policy is ‘the degree of assistance and courtesy granted those who patronise a business ’.The customer service policies apply, because for every business is important to give their best in way to satisfy the customers. Policies are written rules which customers can see and read at any time, and they protect the business owners. Why we use the customers service policies ?We use them because they inform the customers for their rights ,they give information for the place .That’s why they are very , very important and useful nowadays .There are so many hotels, pubs , bars and other hospitality businesses today which have very interesting customer service policies. I have choose Hilton London Wembley Hotel to give as an example with its customer service policies .The hotel is one of the world wide best hotels so they really know how to satisfy customers needs . Everyone knows that hotel so I want to inform you more about it .For example Hilton London Wembley Hotel check- in time is 3.00pm. , check- out time is 12.00pm.This time hours gives advantages to the stuff so they clean the rooms and prepare them for the next customers and of course they inform the guests when they should leave the room. References: 1. Google ,Wikipedia (2013) 2.Turban, Efraim (2002). Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. 3. Entrepreneur Magazine

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Goody Proctor Essay

He asked the question in such surprise and disgust, the author has been very extreme in many every day situations that we would think ordinary, another example is, ‘Martha my wife. I have waked at night many a time and found her in a corner, reading a book. Now what do you make of that’ this tells us how the people of Salem cry witchcraft at anyone different, that something so ordinary to us may be deemed evil to another. Arthur Miller shows us how different there morals lie and this in turn contributes to our understanding of how Abigail lets things spiral so far out of control. When realizing the cultural difference and conversely the vast similarities that, though sometimes unnoticed, effected both the McCarthy trials and correspondingly us today; it makes the reader draw detections from there own lives and feel empathy for the characters and there unfortunate circumstances. The puritan rules add to the hysteria, as it makes simple life choices so dramatic, Marriage is a main pillar of the puritan lifestyle an example of how marriage becomes more imperative is shows this is the name ‘goody’ this is the name given to puritans who are married. This shows us that to puritans class married women above others. In puritan realign one is not considered an adult until they are married, this also puts pressure on children to find a husband, this status is shown in an argument between john Procter and Marry Warren ‘I’ll whip the devil out of you†¦ go to bed’ -‘I’ll not be ordered to bed any more, Mr. Procter! I am eighteen and a woman, however single’. Marry Warren is generally a timid charter but she wants to be classed as a women despite the fact she is not married and because of that she is forced to speak out. This quote shows that a The whole of the puritan lifestyle in focused on marriage and church, both of which Abigail is tampering with, and to understand part of the reason as to why the people of Salem were so distort over whelmed and bewildered at how to cope with the accusation of witchcraft is that puritan people live a sheltered life restricted by the enforcers of there realign. An example of this is ‘uncle we did dance†¦ I’ll be whipped if I must’ to our modern day society and people in the 1950’s this would seem outrageous and over barring that they want to control your life, but author miller is drawing links between capitalism and Puritanism, both trying to control peoples idea and way of life. It proves that the majority of people believe in what there told by there elected authority, capitalists say communism is bad; they then go round destroying the life’s of those who challenge them. In Salem they say all you must have in your life is church and marriage people that try a devoid from their rules e. g.  supposed which’s, were prosecuted and eventually killed. But there comes a point where a person must stand up for what is clearly and ethically wrong, in the McCarthy trial it was Arthur miller through writing this play, and in Slam it was john Procter, the protagonist in this tragedy, the main character, author millers own creation. The author perceptively wrote Abigail’s fictional self based on that of a real person, whose identity adds to the depth of the character; a young girl named Abigail Williams, aged 10 in the McCarthy trials was Arthur Millers foundation for the fictional character that was later formed. At first the most noticeable feature is there difference in age however when looking at the fictional Abigail Williams immaturity insinuates this make them more similar than first perceived this is shown in the quote ‘[with a flash of anger]: How do you call me child’ this shows her irrational unstable emotions and insecurities and as a result her actions make her seemingly more childlike as she seems to be oblivious to the damage she causes throughout Salem. This is also displayed in the way she talks to her friends an example is in the quote ‘I say shut it, Marry Warren! ‘ this demonstrate how immaturely and impatiently she deals with people. Another example is though the way she talks to the reverend about others â€Å"It’s a bitter woman, a lying, cold sniveling woman†¦ Goody Proctor is a gossiping liar! † she is talking to her uncle a senior and supposedly respected family member refer more a man of highest authority within Salem. Yet despite this fact she is still rude, unforgiving and disrespectful whilst in the presence of a man of the church Abigail doesn’t refer to her as a person with feelings rather uses the words, ‘it’s’ and ‘woman. Moreover she uses lying, cold and sniveling, three descriptive words to emphasize her point, this repetitive technique is a demonstration of how grammar and techniques like this contribute to her subtle yet calculated persuasion. Finally even the grand judge of the court Danforth, ‘if you make me answer that question I shall leave and never come back! ‘ this show that even when the truth is shown she is so stubborn that she will deny it until she is blue in face, even when she is about to be proved wrong she stands her ground as she cannot handle anyone challenging her self authority like a child having a temper tantrum. Abigail is determined in her will to acquire john Procter so much so she comes across as spoilt and stubborn. This is shown in the quote ‘you love me John Procter an what ever sin it is you love me yet’ This childlike character trait is very important as her stubborn and irrational ideas are what drive her to continue accusing witches. Abigail’s sharp mind helps her convincing overpower the people around her. The other girls look up to Abby, she is always sure in herself ‘insert quote’ this makes them idolize her and consequently this prompts the girls do what she wants, an example of this is said by one of the girls Marry Warren ‘what’ll we do? The whole country’s talking witchcraft! They’ll be calling us witches Abby’ this show that they confide an trust her, she uses Abigail informal name ‘Abby’ this suggest she sees Abigail as a friend, this is supported as they turn to her for advice as she seems more mature, but her scheming mind uses this admiration to force them to do as she demands. Her controlling nature is also apparent in the quote ‘Betty? Now Betty dear wake up now. It’s Abigail. I’ll beat you Betty! †¦ My you seem to be improving’ she’s uses a rage of different devices to suit the target audience, in this case Betty is a small child, and so she play’s on her dependence on Abigail, by instilling fear this is done through using changes in approach such as variations of tone at first gentle then angry and then comforting, she even resorts to threats till she gets her to talk, she takes the audience through emotional ride with unexpected twists this makes her good not just as a fascinating character but as a device on stage. Secondly innocent people within the village, ‘I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah good with e the devil! I saw goody Osborn with the devil! I saw Bridget bishop with the devil! ‘ this also shows she has no remorse as she continually accuses and as a results has them killed. Thirdly Abigail is clever this adds to her manipulation she works out how to get around people, a quote which shows this is, ‘we danced†¦ that is all†¦ breathe a word about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and’ however although Abigail sees her self in a higher status to the other girls and as such comfortable in making them experience weakness so they feel reliance upon her. Arthur miller wrote ‘the Crucible’ as a Tragedy this adds to the drama created by the charters, as we know they are destined for a disastrous and untimely end. The author has included typical themes used in a tragedy. Firstly he is describing the downfall of a great man in this case john Procter. What makes him grate is that he is the only person that sees through the high courts for what they really are however he gave in to temptation ‘insert quote about john sleeping with Abigail’ this quote tells us his hubris, his weakness it was that he lusted after Abigail and committed adultery. She is his weakness an as such is a hamartia, the person that causes the downfall of the protagonist. Abigail’s importance as a hamartia is so vital to the play, so much if she hadn’t of slept with john, the chain of events that led to his death and the many others in the witch trials, wouldn’t have happened. Consequently it’s Abigail’s lust for john that causes her to go to the woods, that starts the witchcraft suspicions that Abigail uses to her vindictive advantage. The start of the Salem witch trial was initiation by Abigail Williams, with the soul purpose of accusing Elizabeth and gets her killed. She did this because she is assumed with love for john and wants to believe her feelings aren’t unrequited, ‘give me a word, john. A soft word. ‘ (Her concentrated smile and desire destroys his smile)’ the remembrance of the affair makes john uncomfortable and unhappy, this shows that where as Abigail is still hopeful, shown through ‘concentrated desire’ those words show us how unrelenting her love is, she is desperately searching for some reassurance that her feelings are not unrequited. However Abigail says ‘you loved me, john proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet! ‘ this shows us how insecure she is, that she tries to convince someone to love her, and by saying it out loud she’s almost trying to convince herself. This unrequited love makes us feel sorry for Abigail as she’s desperately trying to make excuses for him. In his quote she says loving her is a sin, this is an important in the puritan lives, as they are meant live for god. If she is a sin it is understandable that he does not show his feelings for her.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ethicals Dilemma Of A Working Mother Social Work Essays

Ethicals Dilemma Of A Working Mother Social Work Essays Ethicals Dilemma Of A Working Mother Social Work Essay Ethicals Dilemma Of A Working Mother Social Work Essay Essay Topic: Emma The Breadwinner Introduction In every domain of life it is proved that adult female is acquiring in manus in manus with adult male. Therefore if adult male works to gain money, adult females can pull off three callings at a clip i.e. gain money, delegate work at place, and at the office every bit good. How attractively a working adult female juggles these three functions and still is non kicking. [ Working Mothers, How Much working -2009 ] One could specify a working female parent as a adult females with a ability to unite a calling with the added duty of raising a kid [ Jayita, Murali-2009, p.64 ] All the educated working female parents work because they tend to necessitate a fiscal freedom while equilibrating a professional calling. [ Working female parents, How much Working- 2009 ] The go uping Numberss of working female parents are seen in the last few decennaries. Both the spouses have to work merely because to keep the fiscal position of the house. Harmonizing to the 2003 US nose count agency states that 50 per centum professionals are the adult females workers. It is about 90 % of the adult females are out of the house for the work delegates. All the adult females are blessed with assorted professional accomplishments, if non professional so with the concern accomplishments. Though after confronting assorted quandaries in work topographic point i personally feel that adult females are rather capable of confronting the assorted challenges which occur in there ways. Harmonizing to the 2000 US nose count states that individual parent is no longer left behind in this race. [ www.working female ] I have chosen this instance survey because I am a professional adult female where I tend to confront assorted troubles. How difficult it is to pull off both the delegates i.e. delegates at place and delegates at our work topographic point. It is besides to chew over on those facets where adult females are traveling out of ways to pull off these assorted delegates. Besides to look at the different quandary adult females is confronting while pull offing these double calling duties. CONTEXT/ History In olden yearss all the adult females were cognizant of their boundaries and restrictions. They rendered there whole span of their life for the attention of their households, by brooding in the four walls of the house. Subsequently on a sudden push evolved into concern sector and public personal businesss, which made them turn their dorsums towards thrive households. Those pioneering yearss are no more.The tie of Gordian has broken down and the feminine quandary is over. The last two decennaries has proven that the right clip to incorporate into their double calling direction at place and at the work topographic point has arisen. In the present century the societal position of adult females is trapped under different profound differences. First is the entry into the different hitherto masculine arrangements. The 2nd is the enterprise of an increasing figure of adult females who jointly balance the household and employment. [ Women s two role-1956, reprint-2001 ] Right OF CHILD, RIGHTS OF WOMEN/ LEGISLATION Right OF CHILDREN Their assorted rights which are bestowed upon kids due to U N convention. Children are protected by four P harmonizing to the kid protection act. Four P are listed below. 1. Provision 2.PREVENTION 3.PROTECTION 4.PARTICIPATION. In the proviso of rights, kid is supposed to be provided with the basic necessity of nutrient, shelter, and instruction.In the bar of rights kid should be protected from maltreatment given privateness and has the rights of legal representation. In the protection of rights kid is supposed to be protected from sexual maltreatment, entitled to be protected during war times, struggles and during the natural catastrophe doing bad consequence on the kid. Under the last engagement kid right act it says that kid is entitled in determination devising, has voice for his ain sentiment, and has his ain freedom of scruples. Harmonizing to the UN convention for kids s right they say that, Children should non be ignored, but heard for the better development and public assistance of the kid. All the tribunals must understand the heartache and enduring the kid must be undergoing and must hold respects for their wants. Children were heard and given alleviation signifier the tribunals. Advocacy groups were formed in order to supply aid to the kids in determination devising. A really large BRATS CHARTER is formed where a kid can disassociate his parent if the kid is non happy or do nt desire to transport on with their parents. Children has right of quality of life where the kid has right to take his ain parents either. [ UNCRN ACT- 1 WOMENS MATERNITY LEAVE A ; EQUALITY PAY ACT 2010 All the adult females are given and supported with some of their adult females s rights. What so of all time may be the worked out tenure adult females is entitled for the one twelvemonth pregnancy leave signifier her office with full paid leave. This is applied merely to those who are about to travel on the pregnancy leave from April 2007. They besides have increased pregnancy and acceptance wage period from 26 hebdomads to 39 hebdomads. Law has besides benefited adult females by trashing old regulation of work experience of six months to be entitled for the 26 hebdomads pregnancy leave. [ News-2007 ] Harmonizing to the equality act 2010 it states that when a adult female is working with shoulder to shoulder with a adult male, so she is entitled for the same sum of benefits in footings of wage and other benefits. The act claims that gender equality has to be included into the contractual footings, sing adult females non less than a adult male. Woman should non be discriminated on the footing of her muliebrity ; on the contrary she should be looked upon with sense of figure of equality. [ Equal wage A ; the equality act 2010 ] The old 1970 equal wage act has replaced few good alterations. The assorted alterations which include work forces and adult females executing their responsibilities towards their profession should be considered and rated at the same degree, and should besides be provided with equal criterions of wages for the work generated out of them. Every adult females is allowed to look into across her equal portion of wage and the fillip given to her. [ Equal wage act- 2010 ] WHAT IS ETHICS It is difficult to specify moralss, but someway to understand moralss, moralss can be defined as what is right and wrong, moral and immoral. By and large ethical behaviour is accepted in the society where the behaviour is considered with the moral codifications. Harmonizing to the dictionary moralss means The survey of criterions of behavior and moral judgement and moral doctrine [ ] Man has ever worked difficult to understand between correct and incorrect and between moralss and legality. As per lexicon once more moralss can be defined as The survey of the general nature of ethical motives and of the specific moral picks to be made by the persons in his relationship with others [, p.1 ] Ethical motives trades with the survey concerned with normally what is morally right and wrong. This survey is besides applied to any theory of moral workss. Very frequently ethics refers to how one should populate his life? Should he merely aim at garnering cognition or at felicity? If we happen to choose felicity, should that felicity be meant merely for ourselves or for the whole of the household? Should we populate in luxury, should we interrupt Torahs? What are our duties when we are populating with other human existences on this female parent planet, and what examples we are puting for other coevals? Ethical motives are surrounded with all the moral inquiries form all the corners of life. The chief focal point of the moralss covers the cardinal crisis of empirical determinations, which includes the practical costs and the degrees by which human behaviour can be justified. [ Ethical motives by Peter Singh ] Few working female parents work merely because they are qualified and do nt desire to happen themselves to be hanged around merely with the domestic work. The chief motivation was to acquire employed was to give a good criterion life to the household from different angles. [ How on the job female parents manage-1970 ] All adult females are reacting towards the force per unit area of inflationary economic system, to accomplish high degree of instruction for their kids and for complacency. But working female parents can pull off both i.e child care and place delegates. [ Pediatrics vol 56 no-1975 ] ATTACHMENT THEORY- BOWLBY Harmonizing to the Bowlbys theory, he ponders over the fact that early childhood is ever in consecutive contact with female parents, or sometimes it is barely really few stairss off from the female parent. Mother ever tries to maintain her kid stopping point to her thorax i.e. under her plumes. But every bit shortly as the kid tends to turn old the intimacy and the bonds tends to go igniter, the kid seems to acquire involved with more secular activities, but when clip comes to rest at the dark they prefer cipher else and they tend to seek for their female parents. This attachment clearly speaks that how female parent and Child s bonding is built-in adhering. Bowlby stresses on the facts that early age is the age where both kid and the female parent are really affiliated to each other and besides really much strongly involved for each other s feelings and togetherness. [ ] MAIN PARTICIPANTS In my instance survey Is have involved assorted participants who face assorted quandaries in connexion with the working female parents while she is pull offing her double callings. My first participant whom I would see is the kid. Sufficient groundss has proved that place delegate has a clear impact for adult females ain life and household organisation, but both are seems to be of import for kids s upbringing. [ Journal-Maternal instruction and early kid care-2009 ] As an educated female parent she can and supposed to be giving place achieving activities for her kids, taking her kid to encephalon ramping events and cover their kids in different acquisition ways, but the quandary is that due to busy agenda she is unable to give adequate clip, where the kid is neglected of his rights and face the quandary. [ journal maternal instruction and early kid care-2009 ] It is true that kids of working female parents are rather speedy in all facets of life.It is besides true that kids are more capable and strong towards the ups and downs in their life. Children face quandary when they are ill during the vacations when female parents are at work, their right to protection is overlooked and the kid is under the quandary. [ How on the job female parents manage-1970 ] At early old ages of phases babes are considered to be traveling under emphasis of separation from their female parents when they are about to go forth for their work. The quandary faced by kids to pull off this beat of separation is really nerve-racking. [ Pull offing two careers-1989 ] Children of lone parents face high rate of emotional quandary, because female parent is working for the staff of life A ; butter and is unable to give sufficient and needed clip for her kids. [ How on the job female parents manage-1970 ] It is besides considered that due to working parents specially the female parent deficiency of attention and supervising kids are found in high figure of school dropouts, drug maltreatment and juvenile delinquency. [ Working female parents, how much working-2009 ] Besides one of the of import quandary kids face during their female parents are out for work are the invigilation of the assorted child-minders. If the kid displacements from one minder to other, kid has to acquire accustomed to all the assorted child-minders wonts and subject. Such fortunes confuse the kid, to what precisely he or she has to follow. Harmonizing to the Lawree Tilton-Weaver-normal behaviour controls ushers and protects kids to get the hang over self-discipline and curtails the jobs like disobeying parents, devouring intoxicants. Drug maltreatment and robbery. She states that psychological direction over kids with more personal feelings breaks out into terrible depression and anxiousness. For case if we choose their friends and vesture which turns to be intervention with their determination devisings, which finally falls into damaging there personal feelings. Which means that we are non caring for their personal feelings? Merely when working female parents tends to put down few ordinances which kids do non accept, and therefore the quandary occurs stating that intervention with the feelings of kids and adds as a negative impact on the heads of the kids towards there working female parents. [ ] Though assorted research organic structures are working with the protection of the child care and there progress- it is openly accepted that kids s instruction and there personal development can merely develop kid s assurance and peer relationships. However it is really hard for those kids who are under neglected or hapless child care. [ Commissariats of child care for working female parents in Waless. ] My 2nd participant is the female parent herself. Generally female parents balance their individuality around fussing and employment. Mothers first involvement is ever care giving to kids and household, through there paid employment which upholds the fiscal position of her house. [ I am so much more myself coming back to work-2008 ] Harmonizing to Vincent and Ball the demand to build a morally equal history of oneself, as female parents require of all categories to show their prioritization of their kids need [ I am so much more myself coming back to work-2006, p.72 ] Though full clip working dramas a critical function for upliftment of fiscal position of the house [ pull offing two careers-1999, 2003 ] All the working female parents accepted that limited fiscal freedom will be nerve-racking when remaining with kids at place. While socialising with other kids, kids behavior happens to be more disquieted. Although kids of age 6 and 11 old ages need most attending, but unluckily female parents find it nerve-racking to perpetrate and give sufficient clip for kids specially when their kids are affected with serious disablements. [ Influence on female parents employment when kids have disabilities-2007 ] Every adult female who is a female parent can be called as working female parent. But those who are with professional calling trade with more challenges in equilibrating there calling and household. It is a really hard and pressurized undertaking, where female parent at the terminal finds that she is left with no clip and no societal togetherness in society. Few working female parents are rather and sound who are blessed with good encouraging and supportive male spouse who gives her the strength to equilibrate her double calling. The quandary is observed in large ratio that really less percent co-operative male spouses are matched. If the kids are non co-operative once more the working female parents are into large quandary towards the child care and upbringing of the kid. [ Working female ] Furthermore working female parents are disquieted when kid attention factors occur. When no place support is provided by in-laws or other relations to shoulder the kids load. Childcare suppliers are the last option where the working female parent seeks aid from. Harmonizing to Lynne Hill, a policy manager for kids in Waless says that there may non be sufficient options for parents to maintain their kids with the child care suppliers. She says that it is a high undertaking for female parents to equilibrate her work and safety of her kid. It matters more with the kids with disablements, where female parents are more specific with the choosing of the child care options. If she fails to acquire the opted option she tends to confront the quandary for her kid. Though occupation centres are supplying with more occupations to adult females, but due to assorted quandaries working female parent are unable to make the orientated professional ends. [ Wales ] The working female parents activity plays a critical function both during the phases of prenatal and postpartum development of the kid. At times working female parents has to put her kid into the orphanhood installation which strongly hampers the kids growing and the hereafter fate. [ S.B.Khatskel- 2006 ] The is dilemma is that though working adult females balances both work and place delegates, but still she is non counted as a bread victor or given equal position by the society. She is shouldering the full load of the house, but is left empty-handed forever. My 3rd participants would be the employer. As the turning economic system tend to necessitate the adult male power to command the work force. Womans with high gait of instruction are come ining in to the market. Though all the working female parents are supported with the statute law they are happening it hard to acquire the occupations. Most of the working female parents are out of occupation because the quandary most employers are confronting. Most of the employers avoid child bearing adult females due to the execution of the pregnancy leaves. About 63 % employers take these pregnancy Torahs as a serious menace to their industries. Many other employers face troubles to engage female parents on work due to assorted fluctuation happening into the support of the working female parents. [ Maternity Torahs aching adult females occupation chances, News-2007 ] My 4th participant would be Single Parent. All the working female parents undergo assorted troubles. But when we judge and observe a individual parent she has dual troubles. She has dual troubles that of emotional and fiscal balance of the place, for being the staff of life victor of the house. Single parents households are ever under indefinite security, because they can non foretell about the hereafter of their employment. More attending is required as you go at higher degree and managerial degree ; finally the quandary is less hours are dedicated towards the kids. The biggest quandary of the individual parent is that every working female parents get vacation but an unsupported working female parent is hanged on with twenty-four hours today troubles throughout her life. [ How on the job female parents manage-1970 ] Single parents find it hard at times to take an low-cost child care option at the proper clip and at the right topographic point, this is more effectual to individual parenting because of deficiency of support from there life spouses, which is stated by- Kate research officer. Particularly when female parents have to work for more hours to acquire more fiscal support for her household. It becomes more hard when female parents get low rewards to supply a good child care for her kid. [ ] The fiscal conditions of individual parent and their kids depends upon the group of support construction. Assorted constructions which support the individual parents are friends, neighbor, and communities. This shows a crystal clear image that lone parents can really seldom be financially free. Histarically female parents were non accepted to be working. Fostering kids and besides to go the breadwinner for the household is observed to be a drastic load for the individual parents, and disadvantages to their kids. [ Randy Albelda, Susan Himmelweit -2004 ] My 5th participant would be the Husband. The of import factor for the working female parent would be the right and back uping hubby. She may be linked with high place and position or a perfect employer, but if there is no positive signal from her hubby towards her working, so she is certain of taking her matrimonial relationship into hazard. It is quite certain that it is the hubby non the kids who sacrifices most when female parents are working. Though culturally stating he understands that adult females topographic point is inside the house. But still assorted dilemmas occur into the head of hubby saying that he was deprived of something which he really expected out of matrimony. His quandary is matrimony is non solemnized merely for interest of holding sex or reproduction of kids, and their after looking after them instead. Both the spouses should hold sufficient and category clip for each other particularly the working female parent who is unable to give clip for her hubby due to busy agenda clip. [ How on the job female parents manage-1970 ] INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON This international comparing is done merely to back up my instance survey. In Asiatic states particularly in India it is ever observed that whether it is a joint household or a impersonal household working female parent are ever supported by their in Torahs and all the other nonworking members of the household. Support such as child care, female parents wellness attention, sometimes even the place delegates are to the full taken attention of. When we compare Britain with India there is a immense difference that of support to the working female parent. In India working female parents are given all unit of ammunition support to execute her double calling directions. Grandparents take the topographic point of all the nursemaids as a privilege to look after their grandchildren. [ Working female parents ; How much working, and where is the woomanhood-2009 ] Suggestion The modern muliebrity is epitomized by the professional female parents. The working female parents need to be supported by the modern work suppliers and the employers, transforming its expression from male laterality to gender neutrality. The atomic household and the joint household unit both need to understand the demand and the support a working female parent is anticipating out. There should be good quality and low-cost child care, where female parents are at peace at their work topographic point. Decision To sum up it is rather easy to be a adult female, female parent, and an winner. Many have achieved it through the back up of society, but many have fought through out at that place life to turn out it. In today s competitory universe it is the necessity for the female parents to be working, like their spouses to back up all angles of their house. As we are populating in the advanced universe, and still undergoing the male ruling society, should non admit that working female parents are bad female parents. On the contrary should ever back up and see working female parents as good female parents. While functioning as a female parent and besides pull offing her booming professional calling gives a recognition to the working female parents as a mark of completeness of being a adult female. The assorted quandary a working female parent undergoes are deficiency of clip, and a feeling of guilt for acquiring deprived of her parenting responsibilities. Many wagess are showered on her, wagess such as personal position, improved economic system, and up liftment of household criterions.Women work when their partner is unqualified, or earns unequal money for the household. A 2nd income adds as an a beginning of excess income which uplifts the criterions and releases the nerve-racking life of the whole household. Working female parent should ever maintain reminding to her household members that she is non working for her leisure, but merely and merely for the improvement of her household. However it is rather possible for a female parent to contend for her right to acquire her professional right in many different ways. A general individual will accept her difficult work by stating Ohio! She earns excess money, but adult females is neer recognized for her difficult work which she renders for the whole household. To accomplish all the wagess, compromising balance is required at single degree and at work topographic point, which helps the working female parents to fulfill the two callings of her life i.e. a professional calling and the maternity balance.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Feeding the Planet essays

Feeding the Planet essays in the society of the human race today is neither terrorism nor pollution but the great social inequality between the developed world and the developing world. The people of the developed world enjoy a very relaxed lifestyle, sitting on their comfortable couch, masticating their perfectly seasoned meal while watching images of the developing world flicker on the television screen in front of them. They watch the poor side of the world die from many things such as disease and hunger that may be easily preventable in the developed world. Many people living in North America and western Europe may say that their simply is not enough food to feed everyone on the planet, however they are wrong. A statement that may be more correct is that their simply is not enough money in the developing world to produce and acquire the proper nutrition. This raises a series of questions, one being if the world as come to such a barbaric state that millions of people are forced to starve to death each day because they do not have enough man-created bank notes, how does the human race ever think it will survive the next two-thousand years, and has the human race really evolved since the beginning of time? And if the developed world has incredible wealth, where is it all of it being spent? Experts declare that the United Sates alone has enough money to end poverty worldwide in only a few years and has enough food to provide everyone with a minimally nutritious diet immediately. The problem is not one of resources but of priorities and exactly where and how the money is spent. Foreign aid is not being put into the places it is needed the most. Middle-income nations like Israel and Egypt receive most U.S. aid and only 40% goes to poorer nations. ( The U.S. spends over $1 billion a day on defence while 1.2 billion people worldwide live on under $1 a day...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Team and Leadership Recommendations Research Paper

Team and Leadership Recommendations - Research Paper Example Nando’s Restaurant has devised the method of improving its leadership and performance as the staff motivation (Hambley & Kline 2007, p. 142). The first team to be considered in the strategy is HR team. This is because they are the immediate people who will influence and change the attitude of the entire employees, as they are the immediate people dealing with other employees direct. HR team should be motivated in various ways. They should be given time to attend frequent leadership seminars and training (Harris, Hopkins & Chapman 2013, p. 63). This will enable them to acquire more skills, which will enable them to lead by example and motivate the other employees. The HR team should be given chance to give their new ideas on how the services can be improved or solve certain problems. This will make the HR team feel comfortable when delivering their duties as they feel they are part of the organization. The shareholders should consult the team before taking any step or making an y decision concerning employees’ performances. (Lumby & Coleman 2007, p. 61). This is a kind of motivation on the HR team, as they feel recognized before any decision is made in the company.HR team should employ the theory of team formation when trying to meet the targets of the organization. HR team together with other managers and supervisors should convince the other employees to form teams. When the employees work in teams it will be easy as they will work together aiming the same target.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Formation of the Islamic State Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Formation of the Islamic State - Assignment Example He was the founder and leader of al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad formed in the 1990s (Osobista 17). Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the current leader of ISIS but before that he was an active Muslim cleric and a follower of Saddam Hussein. He preaches radical Islam and is believed to be a Caliph by his supporters. The two men play a role in the formation of ISIS as Zarkawis terrorist groups led to the formation of ISIS as well as the teachings of Baghdadi the leader of ISIS. Baghdadi was the leader of al-Qaeda in 2010 before the formation of ISIS in 2014. The two men were working together in terrorist attacks that later formed ISIS (Osobista 30). Baghdadi is a man of few words where one can say he is an introvert. History suggests that he was not a social person and did not have many friends. He is a caliph who spends most of his time in the mosque leading prayers. Baghdadi, unlike Zarkawi, is not a violent person. Zarkawi’s personality, on the other hand, is open right from his leadership of al Qaeda. He was the one leading in the radical teachings of Islam and had a large following (Osobista 15)..